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What is A Dress Come True?
A Dress Come True is a fundraiser and dress drive to collect formal dresses and raise money to purchase formal dresses for girls that may not be able to do so due to financial burdens. 100% of monetary donations made will be used to purchase dresses in sizes that we do not receive in donations. After the dress event, the dresses will be taken to North Dallas High School where their students that need financial assistance will be able to get outfitted for prom! We have already collected 600 dresses this year!
North Dallas High School serves the highest housing insecure (homeless) student population in Dallas ISD. 90% of the campus is low income, and of the 1,195 students, over 144 live in shelters, doubled up In apartments, living in cars, or are “couch surfing." Despite these challenges, they are the most resilient, happy, focused group of kids and they have limitless potential that we want to celebrate. Many are first in their family to graduate from high school, and over 90% (state average for graduation from high school) graduate on time.
Given that prom last year was very last minute due to COVID stipulations, we are hopeful we can make this year full of fanfare and love for these students that have had the strangest high school careers in history! Against significant odds, North Dallas High School kids have a higher than state average graduation rate, have made North Dallas a top five comprehensive high school academically, and 18 graduated from high school with an associate’s degree already completed last school year (coming out of COVID).
I have already been so blown away by the generosity of you all. We have collected over 600 dresses so far with more arriving daily. Thank you so much for helping make a difference - one girl and one dress at a time!
- Tiffany Houghton